Waste Soil Classification
Surplus waste soils are often created during redevelopment or remediation of a site. The waste producer has the legal responsibility to classify any waste they produce before it is taken off site.
A F Howland Associates can define whether a waste soil is hazardous or non-hazardous before it is taken away to landfill. A significant cost saving can be made based on this distinction when considering the landfill tax cost for hazardous waste and the small number of hazardous landfill sites available in the UK.
Classification is carried out as defined in the EWC (European Waste Catalogue 2002) based on EC Regulation 1272/2008 on the Classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures and latest Environment Agency guidance. The process includes a desk study to establish the likely contaminants on a site followed by sampling and chemical analysis. This can be a stand alone exercise or as part of a site investigation.

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